Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Dancer Dies Twice

We hope you enjoy this article from Vimy Dance teacher Laurie Alston.

I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Europe where I was able to stop in and visit the Palais Garnier or Paris Opera House which houses the Paris Opera Ballet.  I wandered through the halls and Salon du Glacier and opulent auditorium and behind the scenes to the Biblioteque or library of the opera.  There were beautiful costumes on display from past ballets and busts of dancers from the early 1800's. It was magical and made me reflect on the career I was able to have and memories of what backstage was like with costuming, sets, and scenes.

     As I left the Opera house through the gift shop, I stopped to watch a ballet on a tv and was drawn in by Aurelie Dupont and her final performance of her career in L’Histoire de Manon.  She dies at the end and while it is a stunning emotional performance I was more taken in by her bow.  I could tell by the emotions on her face during her bow that this was to be her last performance before retirement.  It was written on her face and in the tears she shed that this could only mean one thing for her.  

     This visual brought to mind the feelings all professional dancers have as they transition into a new career after a performing arts career and I was reminded of an article that I had read once that had resonated with me. I thought I should read it again and share it as a means to inspire others to enjoy, remember, and really aspire to reach the goals you set for yourself in your career so that you can transition smoothly into your next career off of the stage as it is only a matter of time for everyone.

http://bbc.in/25AzvD8 or this article as well

While it can be a frightening experience to transition from dancer to behind the scenes, or to a new job completely, and can take many years to relax into a new role, I believe the passion for the arts and for movement can stay with you and can be shared in different meaningful ways.  I have missed the rigors of everyday shows and feeling powerful and strong in my physical body, yet I have enjoyed working with students who can inspire and who you feel you can pass your wisdom onto.  It is not only a change in physicality but a change in your mindset and emotions, and I wish this gracefully for anyone going through that challenge.

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